
Personal Narrative: Why I Love At South Plains College

Decent Essays

I would like to start out by saying I love attending South Plains College. South Plains has a very positive atmosphere, which I admire. All of my Instructors are understanding and easy to speak with, but sadly, I seem to have had a communication gap with Mrs. Hudelson. In this essay I will state the embarrassing situation she put me in when she decided to drop me from the course. I came into class at 9:30 am as usual and took my seat. I came to class with a dreadful cold and proceeded to listen to the lesson. During class I kept going to the restroom to cough and blow my nose so I wouldn't disrupt the other students. After I came back from the restroom for the third time, Mrs. Hudelson asked me to come to her desk. She told me she …show more content…

Hudleson asked me questions that where very uncomfortable to answer and it gave me tremendous anxiety. First of all, she told me what my grade was out loud and it made me very unsettled. She then asked me what my grades were in my other college courses, which I think was wrong of her to ask. I believe that my other course grades should only be discussed with the Instructor that that lectures it. Then she asked me If I had a job and if so, where? After that, she asked how my home life was and I didn't want to answer that at ll because I didn't think that it was any of her business. Then she proceeded to tell me that the questions I had previously asked during class time made no sense to her, which is defiantly an untrue statement! I had a horrible cold and cough that morning, so I kept excusing myself to the restroom and I had missed some of the information she had said during class. This offended me greatly, because I was always told that there is no such thing as a dumb question by my other Instructors. This is not the first time she has said this to me. After her endless amount of extremely personal questions, I began to feel hesitant and didn't want to go on anymore and this is where she accused me of being argumentative. Out of everything, this hurt me the most. I was not argumentative whatsoever and tried my absolute best to stay calm throughout our entire conversation. Even though I felt embarrassed, appalled, and sad, I still was …show more content…

At the beginning of the semester, Mrs. Hudelson dropped another student during class. They both argued in front of everyone about 15 minutes and it was very upsetting to listen too and to watch him leave angry and extremely upset. I believe if you're going to drop a student or ask them personal questions it should be before, after or in the Instructors office. Making a student talk about sensitive subjects in front of others can cause massive anxiety. Just imagine complete strangers seeing and hearing your conversation with your Instructor talking about very sensitive topics. I felt very sorry for not only myself, but for the other students as well. They probable felt just as awkward about the situation as I did. I could tell that everyone was looking at us speak and that in itself made me feel distressed. Not only was this very unprofessional of Mrs. Hudelson, it also disrupted the class from what they were

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