
Personal Narrative: Why Words Spoken Are Worth An Open Ear

Decent Essays

Words Spoken Are Worth an Open Ear
The scalding rays of the Arizona sun beat down on me nearly as violently as my grandmother’s nagging questions. Yet, sitting under this canopy, basking in the sun was much more preferable than attending school during the second semester of senior year-- when motivation runs scarce. There came a point in the day where the questions were no longer unbearable and I developed somewhat of a naive understanding of why my grandparents care about me in such immense depths. However, it was not their questions that brought me a new state of mind that particular day, it was their stories.
Any commendable family member should have the ability to talk about their struggles with others, serving as a lesson of what to accomplish in the future or what not to demean. Neither my grandmother nor my …show more content…

These included leaving home too soon, choosing the wrong college, not taking proper care of herself, etc. The obstacles she spent time and money fixing were clearly not simple for her to overcome. Evidently, she doesn’t yearn for me to follow her footsteps in that essence. Despite the inevitable, frustrating story her mood was not influenced by regret or despair. Yet again, the tough times shared with me were not to dwell about, they only existed to develop an appreciation for.
Accordingly, when my grandfather’s turn to speak arose, his experience also involved college hardships. His lips crafted the story of growing up on a farm and how it was merely prohibited he pursue an education in replacement of taking over the farm. Respect from family members obliterated, and support was no longer in question-- the facial expressions could have told the story themselves, but I could tell it was essential I hear him out. It was clear this bump in the road no longer affected him; the product was not resentment or guilt, but

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