
Personal Narrative: Writing In Role

Decent Essays

Writing in Role – Summative Kiyosha’s not who everyone thinks she is. At least, she’s not who I thought she was. I don’t understand how I didn’t see her scheme from a mile away. I mean, I’d been dating her for a year. I can’t sugar-coat it to myself. She used me. Last year was probably the best year ever. First year of high-school, and I was already one of the most popular kids. I met so many new people, made so many new friends, and even my grades were good. I still have my grade-representative speech memorized. I remember standing up there in front of the entire school; I remember them cheering before I even started. I didn’t even know half of the people that came up to congratulate me after I was done, and I never thought High School would be such a great place. I had a girlfriend! In grade 8 my teacher told me High School wasn’t going to be all fun and games like grade school. The day I won grade-rep was the day I thought I proved her wrong.
I didn’t. …show more content…

Mom and Dad got a divorce, I lost grade-rep in grade ten by a crazy margin, my grades dropped, but worst of all, I lost Jason. I had hundreds of friends in grade nine, but they weren’t all my “best” friends. It feels like I didn’t just lose the one friend I was closest to; I lost everything. I know it’s selfish to think that I lost everything when people have it worse, but that’s exactly what it feels like. I was someone who people looked up to and liked. Now I’m one of the people looking up to others. And now, after almost 2 years, I get dumped by Kiyosha. I was the popular one! She was reaching and I was settling. She used my popularity to get to where she is now. And when she realized she didn’t need me anymore, she called it

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