
Personal Profile Disc System

Decent Essays

COM 122-05

Application Paper #3
Personal Profile DISC System

Monday, March 25, 2013
Specific examples of some of the characteristics of my primary DISC
As an “I” in the DISC profile system it has been amazing to relate and identify a couple characteristics that I have and how they help me accomplish the day to day tasks that I encounter. An “I” profile I am talkative, growing up in elementary to junior high and then moving onto high school I wasn’t the best at being task oriented. When we would have class time to complete assignments and work, I would prefer to talk to other individuals and socialize rather than buckle down and focus. It was something my teachers would speak to me about regularly and attempt to …show more content…

I overloaded myself with making too many promises that I wasn’t able to accomplish. What I have begun to do instead is carry the slogan “under promise, over deliver”. What I do know is I don’t promise as many people things or I don’t commit to be apart of as many organizations but instead I do what I can that is within my circle of reach and magnify those tasks before I can take on any others.
Describe specific examples of how I act under stress and how it affects relationships Stress is a common occurrence in my life that I struggle with when I overcomplicate my life. Stress for myself comes most easily when I know that I have committed to something and not been able to follow through on what I have promised. In being engaged to Lauren, my fiancé, there have been numerous times we have planned out our weeks together and when we would see each other. In that set amount of time sometimes I have been late due to not finishing tasks that I have in enough time so that I can see her, and thus have negatively impacted our relationship. For example two weeks ago, I was supposed to go and listen to her teach Sunday school at her ward in draper. So the day before on Saturday I went home early and set my alarm, but in waking up I recognized

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