
Big Five Personality Assessment

Decent Essays

After taking the Big Five Personality Assessment, I was able to decode certain aspects of my personality and analyze whether different strengths and weaknesses. One strength I found was me openness to experience. Being open to others and their ideas has broadened my horizons. I have found that I have so much to learn from others. Whether their ideas are positive or negative, they provide feedback which overall has increased my communication skills. This is a recent strength for me. With prior companies, change was delivered as bad news, we were not taught to work with our peers but rather compete. With my new company I am experiencing the opposite side of the spectrum. I am encouraged to communicate with anyone needed, regardless of …show more content…

One of them being conscientiousness. Conscientious people are very driven and orderly. They set goals and firm plans to achieve these goals. Rarely are they spontaneous or disorganized. My score within the Big Five Personality Profile was moderate for conscientiousness. I would say that I do exhibit some of these characteristics. I can be very organized and reliable. As a weakness, I find that I am not always a self-starter. I will set goals and stick to them, but need that push from others to get started. For instance, I was given the opportunity to work on an exciting new project at work that involves direct feedback from employees that I would personally deliver to upper management. This would be a big responsibility as I would be representing hundreds of employees and voice the current concerns of our group. I was asked to think it over. While processing the position, three others volunteered and I lost out of the opportunity. I took my time and wasn’t as organized in my decision making, therefore I missed out greatly.
Extraversion can be described as a love for being around others, being social, and outgoing. This is often a positive trait however; it also is difficult for an extrovert to work well alone. Being an extrovert is a weakness at times because I find that I have a harder time being motivated and staying on track when I work in a solitary environment. I see this often in the office, during the traditional work week of Monday-Friday I am very productive. On these days I will interact with hundreds of people. If I work from home or work on the

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