
Personal Reflection

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When meeting others, the observations I make are immediate. I often assign traits and characteristics to them without being conscious of the fact that I am doing so. How I react to them – and whether or not I desire another interaction with them – is dependent on these assignments. The characteristics I admire in myself, and the attributes that I observe in others form these assessments. The Role Construct Repertory Test allowed me to recognize what traits I value in others, understand my personal constructs, and given me insight into my own cognitions. The completion of this test was fairly easy to accomplish, though, sometimes I only had a sense – or, better yet, I only had a feeling – of how two individuals were related, and the other was different. On occasion, finding the exact term to describe how they were similar, and how the other was divergent required some thought. For example, when comparing Mrs. Westgate, Andrea, and Amanda, I had a vague sense that Mrs. Westgate and Andrea were related, and Amanda was unrelated, but I could not immediately determine what made them similar or different. I finally settled on the descriptor “strict” for Mrs. Westgate and Andrea, and “reserved” for Amanda after I recalled and analyzed numerous past interactions with them. Another difficulty that arose was defining these commonalities or differences for myself. For example, when developing my self-constructs on a separate piece of paper, I used the term “flexible”. This term held

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