
Personal Reflective Essay: Freeskiing

Decent Essays

From writing to freeskiing, I’ve fallen in love with activities that allow me to exercise my creativity. I grew into my first love, writing, slowly and with great effort. My first drafts have never been exceptional, or even remotely passable, but I loved the way I could track the evolution of my work from first to final draft and how small changes in word choice could shift the tone of an entire essay. Writing allows me to clear my head and keep thoughts that would normally lead to anxiety in a separate space for safekeeping. I often conduct thought experiments or research things that are on my mind and process them through different pieces like news articles, spec scripts and short stories. Being able to pour most of my more inventive and emotional thoughts onto paper allows me to think more rationally and logically in general, without sacrificing my emotional intuition because I’ve squeezed the excess into different written scenarios. …show more content…

I started skiing when I was six and pursued it both recreationally and competitively through the present. Cutting my way down the slopes challenged me both physically and mentally by forcing me to gain the endurance and stamina for ten-hour training days and power through the exhaustion and muscle pain I felt during the last group of runs. After hurting my knee in a ski accident my junior year of high school, I moved from competitive ski racing to free skiing and taught myself different tricks and techniques to get down the mountain with as much style and adrenaline as possible. Free skiing allowed me to relax more on the mountain and allowed me to choreograph inventive runs in a way I never could when speed was my

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