
Personal Response- Forrest Gump (Film)

Decent Essays

TITLE: Forest Gump

DIRECTED BY: Robert Zemeckis



*Note: Read all quotes in a thick, Alabama accent.

This film follows the life of Forest Gump who struggles to live outside the barriers that society has given him. Forrest is a little 'slow'; although his mental impairment doesn't seem to bother him. In fact, the naiveté that comes from his limited understanding of the world around him gives Forrest a uniquely positive perspective of life. Forest overcomes the challenges in his life, becoming a star football player, a war hero, a successful businessman, and something of a pop icon. Through it all, however, there is one defining element in his life: his love for Jenny. She is never far from his …show more content…

I believe that the character Forrest Gump teaches me to treasure the moments in my life and to understand why I'm doing what I'm doing. Especially in scenarios that can affect other people. He is some sort of inspiration to me; this is however not in the usual context. He inspires me to never enter situations where I do not fully comprehend nor understand the consequences of my actions, he inspires me to never let someone take advantage of me and he inspires me to just simply, be me.

Throughout the entire film we see Forest Gump's tragic life; nearly everyone he holds most dear to him dies. Life can be brutal at times, I found myself crying during the moments when Forrest's life seemed painfully hard. In some ways I could see that with every loved one that he'd lost a part of him had died with them. I can understand this feeling as my best friend's father passed away only three years ago this month. As she is growing up, she is realising the disadvantages of not having him with her, knowing that he is not there to teach her how to drive or help her get her first job. I see her pain and I know that there is nothing I can do to stop it, I am powerless. I believe that there is finality in death, however in this film Forrest teaches the audience that a part of us may die with a loved one, but that doesn't stop life from coming back to us. The underlying message that Forrest has to offer on the

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