
Personal Statement: A Career As A Nurse

Decent Essays

Essay 1. I am a very dedicated person. Those who don’t know me might think that since I am in so many extra-curricular activities, there is no way I can give my full attention to each. However, that is not the case. I work extremely hard to do my best in everything I do. These activities have also helped me with my time management. Balancing work and school isn’t too bad, but adding in religious activities as well as community service can be tough. I have worked hard my entire high school career so that I can succeed in college as well as experience everything in high school that there is. Even though I can be stressed out at times, I always try my best to help others and be kind to them because they could be in the same situation as me or …show more content…

My mom is a nurse and her dedication to helping others know’s no bounds. I have that same passion for helping others and think that helping people who are sick or hurt would be the best way to do it. I love that nursing is so hands on and that as a nurse I will actually get to see the people I’m helping get better. After my bachelor’s degree, I would like to get my Master’s as a Nurse Anesthetist. I shadowed my aunt who is a nurse anesthetist, and seeing the gratitude of her patient’s for her hard work was breath-taking. Taking away the pain of my patients during surgeries or even during child birth is a wish of mine. I saw my aunt give anesthetics to a woman who was having a C-section and talking her through the entire thing. It was a great experience and one I would like to relive daily. This scholarship would really help take me the next step toward my degrees. Receiving a master’s degree is a high honor, but it can also be pricy to go to school for such an extended period of time. That is why I am relying on scholarships to help pay for my schooling, because without them I may not be able to pursue my master’s degree. Thank you so much for your

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