
Personal Statement: A Career As A Nurse

Decent Essays

Over the last year I have spent numerous nights in the hospital due to a medical condition I had. During my time spent in the hospital I have had countless good and bad experiences with the nursing staff. Due to my experiences, I was able to come to the conclusion that I not only want to be a nurse but also what kind of a nurse I would like to become. With that decision made, I started looking into going back to school, and finally settled on Colorado Christian University as my school of choice. My experiences over the past year have created a strong urge to not only finish school, but also to give my very best in every class I take. From a young age I knew I wanted to go into the nursing field. Unfortunately, one situation after another seemed …show more content…

I spoke to several of them about their careers, what they liked and didn’t like, and if they had to do it all over again, would they? Being in the hospital so much made me realize the passion I have for nursing and that I am ready to put everything I have into pursuing my goal. My experiences with the nurses who were caring for me really made me step back and think about the type of nurse I wanted to become. I found in my experiences many different attitudes towards the nursing career. There were the nurses who did their jobs happily and loved caring for people, doing whatever it took to go above and beyond to make someone happy. For example, one time I was in the hospital for a little over a week and was unable to take a shower. The whole time, I was feeling very self conscious about how my hair looked, so the nurse I had went around the entire hospital looking for a hair tie so that she could braid my hair. Even though it seemed like a very small thing to her, it meant the world to me. Then there were the nurses who acted like they didn’t like their jobs and like everyone was just in their way. For example, I had to get my stomach pumped one time and the nurse knew I was terrified of the tube in my throat and that I was having a panic

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