
Personal Statement: Antiquirrels

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My dogs would tell you that I’m friendly, compassionate, independent, somewhat intelligent and that I like to chase squirrels. The chasing squirrels part is totally untrue! Okay, yeah, it’s a little true, but so what, my dogs run around naked, at least I wear clothes! I’m financially independent, and an artist who enjoys working in a variety of media: painting, sculpting, spelling, and photography. I occasionally write poetry that I read to no one. I can't sing; regrettably for others — that doesn't stop me. I love art in all its forms: visual, music, film, architecture, literature, math, etc . Some call me quirky (it's a euphemism), and say that I have a dry sense of humor. I own over a dozen toy dinosaurs, including a Velociraptor named Debbie. I like to play (I don’t mean ‘play’ as …show more content…

I'm not perfect, and I don't expect perfection from others either, however, I prefer people who are genuine about their imperfections (does that make sense?). I appreciate intelligence, a sharp sense of humor, and compassion towards others and animals. I enjoy people who are willing to talk about their inner life and feelings as well as their outer life and thoughts. Communication is essential to me, If we’re both valiant in being genuine, honest, and communicative, then our relationship will be much more fun and exciting. It's crucial that you love dogs (even if they do tend to exaggerate). A healthy lifestyle is vital to me (exercise and healthy eating). Let’s see, what else... how about those dinosaurs? I practice honesty and monogamy and seek the same in a partner. In the interest of saving us both time: If you voted for Trump, and/or lie, and/or are pro porn, please don’t contact me. My photos are current and dated. I'm looking for friendship, and if that works out (pending your opinion of dinosaurs); maybe something long-term. P.S. I don't typically like to flaunt it but, I do own a state-of-the-art salad

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