
Personal Statement : High School

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In the summer of 2001, my friends and I was outside riding bikes when one of them took a hard fall on the concrete. My first instinct was to run over to see if she was okay. Ever since I can remember I have always wanted to help people and have always been the one to clean my friends cuts and scrapes and put their Band-Aid 's on. In middle school I was always there with a listening ear or a helping hand. At an early age I understood that sometimes people just need to be heard and to let their emotions out. This hasn’t changed over the years. In high school I was a student athlete participating in track and field as well as being a member of the cheer team. If a fellow athlete became injured during a game or meet, I was more worried about knowing if they were okay rather than what I was doing at that moment. During my college career I obtained my CNA license while maintaining a perfect attendance record. This gave me the opportunity to place my foot in the health care door and affirm my career decision. What I did to help people during my CNA work is not what someone would say is glamorous. It is, however, critical to providing these individuals the care they need and, most important, the dignity they deserve. I have loved the opportunity that is has given me to get to know patients on a one-on-one level and allowed me the opportunity to collaborate with others in the medical field.
Teamwork is a mission critical skill required for success. It is not a static skill;

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