
Personal Statement : My Passion For Business In Business

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Personal statement
One of my fondest memory as a little boy is a game we play outdoor called fish hunting, it is a game we play at holiday, We have nothing doing so we decide to go out to stream and river with our fishing net to catch small fish so we made a rule that anyone that catches the biggest fish will take all the fishes to market and sell, however the money realized from selling the fish will be shared according to the number of fish hunted by each person. The lesson about this game is how smart one needs to in the world of business.
My passion for business as a teenager dates as far back in high school, that time I go to my grandmother’s shop to help her sell textile materials in the market. I was so curious in dealing with customers, whenever they come around to purchase textile material from the store, However situation arises when we don’t have the exact demand due to such material been out of stock, having noticed customer reactions and how they feel my grandmother has a way of convincing them to go for a similar textile design that suits their purpose. Am amused by the way customers derive satisfaction after purchasing a similar product to what they wanted.
After my graduation from high school I gained admission to study a first degree in pure chemistry at Olabisi Onabanjo University in Nigeria where I graduated with a third class honors (1.97 out of 5.0 CGPA). Been studied pure chemistry at undergraduate

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