
Personal Statement : My Mission Statement

Decent Essays

Identify the Purpose of the Paper A personal mission statement is a philosophy or creed that one plans to follow in daily life. It is usually designed with positivity, purpose, and with personal goals for every aspect of life such as career, finances, etc. It also focuses on personality traits that one would like to possess and the accomplishments that one wants to achieve, both short-term and long term. It also houses the individuality of the person writing it. Every person writing a personal mission statement is will produce a different statement. This is primarily because people value different things, characteristics and have different goals. The purpose of this paper is to explore my mission statement (Covey, 2013, pp.113). My Mission Statement is to constantly grow in ways that will take me to higher heights, all while keeping God first, family second, and career third. My goal is to forgive without holding a grudge. Vocalize my feelings when I am hurting or sad, in a way that will be productive in resolving the issue. I also would like to not be so guarded. I will allow others to love me in their own way, and not get upset when it is not the same way I love them. I would like to grow in divine wisdom, love, peace, patience and experience daily joy. As I grow in wisdom, I would also like to impart knowledge in younger generations to help them prevent some of the same mistakes that I have made in the past. I will always try to treat others the way I would like to be

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