
Personal Statement : Professional Nursing Career

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Scholarly Paper #1 Personal Meta-paradigm Charlotte Strawser NURS 603 University of Southern Indiana Professor Cynthia Cuson January 26, 2017 This paper aims to describing personal meta-paradigm in this author’s professional nursing career relating to a theoretical framework. Nursing is made up of several theories that help guide the nursing practice in delivering care. The theories help guide nursing research in creating a strong profession in healthcare. These theories help the nurse in expressing their own meta-paradigms that are based on the theories incorporated into practice. Meta-paradigm entails theory research, philosophy and educational background as well as life experiences to help guide nursing practice. As a nurse …show more content…

As a nurse this theory is an instrument for guiding this author in how the patients and their families are treated. A nursing theory specifically provides a set of definitions, propositions and interrelated concepts that gives a systematic approach to view events by identifying relationships (Mensik, Martin, Scott, & Horton, 2011). Katherine Kolcaba is a new middle range theorist who began her nursing career on a dementia unit where she first came up with the ideas of comfort in nursing (Peterson & Bredow, 2017). Kolcaba published her comfort theory in 1991, after being a professor and researcher at a University in Cleveland. The foundation of the theory is incorporated with the ideas of Florence Nightingale. From the early writings of Florence Nightingale, laid the foundation of the fundamental principle that comfort is a necessary element in the treatment and healing practice of patients these days. Many nurses may practice Kolcaba 's theoretical framework to promote patient comfort without realizing it. Explicit applications of comfort theory can benefit nursing practice (Krinsky, Murillo & Johnson, 2014). The theory is explained on the idea that the increased comfort of a patient or their family, the more they are ready to accept and react to the treatment plan. The theory can also be applied to the nursing profession in the sense that

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