
Personal Statement: Who I Really Am

Decent Essays

Who I Really Am: I care deeply about people with disabilities. I believe that people do not understand what is really like for someone who happens to have a disability. They treat them rudely or differently. They do not understand the way the perceive topics, the way the take some remark a person may have said, and they do not understand that they are teased. I think we need to think before we do things. The emotional me is different everyday. Sometimes, I can be pessimistic or optimistic but I try to think positively. I think showing love is a good thing and I show love by checking in on the person, helping them, and being kind. I believe that showing hate is a bad thing and we should act kind even in bad times. I express joy with smiling and laughing. I convey sorrow by changing my normally joyful and excited …show more content…

I would also like to have a family but I would want to wait until I had a job that would keep me happy and that would make me successful. I want to become an adult that everyone knows and loves. I want to be known for being independent and preeminent in a good way. I worry that I will not be happy in the future and that I will detest my career. I fear that I will not be able to achieve my dream of being a professional acteress. I was dream to travel the world to Europe, Africa and Asia. I would hate to see that dream not come true. Many people in my life are important to me. My family, friends, relatives, and teachers are important but focusing on certain people, my voice coach, Shirene Patterson is someone I will forever look up to. She makes me smile when I do not want to. She is so talented and makes me laugh till I can not stand. She is like a mother to me, older sister and bestfriend. My voice lessons are on Fridays and each week I get so excited to sing with her. Her singing voice is so graceful and smooth. If I am struggling with something, I always turn to her for

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