
Personal Statement: Why I Want To Become A Nurse

Decent Essays

Kowsar Hassan Personal Statement

My initial passion for going into the Nursing field deprives from my previous experience from working voluntarily at a care home. My time working in the care home, i felt like it made a huge impact on my life and others too, because even though it may have been doing small things like sitting down having a chat it made me happier and them to know that they aren’t alone and will also have someone to talk too.

Another reason why i want to become a nurse stems from the fact a family member of mine had health issues and i had to implement the experience i had from working at the care home to use, i was doing things like checking blood pressure, temperature, helping with toilet uses and dressing. …show more content…

I was instantly so interested and i wanted to learn more.

I’m currently studying level 3 applied science after I’ve completed this course i would like to do Nursing so i can learn more about the human anatomy and physiology. I’ve particularly enjoyed the unit human biology and lymphatic system, learning more about these units gave me more knowledge and insight about how the body functions and to fight diseases. The practical aspects of the course I was really fascinated by. And being able to work safely in a laboratory. The skills I learnt will help me later in

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