
Personal Statement: Wolfieraps

Satisfactory Essays

Who Inspires me: It was later in the night, I was on my phone looking on Youtube for some funny content, I looked in the“recommended section” and I saw an appealing video. Little did I know that video would lead me to find my favorite Youtuber on the entire platform of Youtube.Who is one of the funniest people on the internet and how do you not like WolfieRaps you may ask.WolfieRaps is my role-model because of his impressive sense of humor and always bringing me and others entertainment. The person who inspires me is Wolfieraps A.K.A Charles Raynor, I first heard about him a few months ago at the very beginning of the summer. The video that brought me to him was the “instant water to ice trick!” which is my favorite. I like him because he has

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