Family Court Participants The case I saw in family court was to last an hour but lasted 2 hours. The case involved a divorced couple Darryl Foster and Linda Foster. Linda had an attorney named Charles Brown who was very experienced from the way he addressed the court and asked the proper questions. The court case was filed for temporary orders until a new custody order could be established.
Linda got to get on the stand first as she was the one that filed the petition. She spoke of her time dealing with addiction, their divorce, her depression, time she spent in prison for a DUI, and the time spent with her daughter. She presented evidence of character letters, completion of counseling, letter from her sponsor and her boss from work, documents showing her ADOT and judge releasing her driver license.
Darryl seemed extremely nervous coming in as his hands were shaking. He was not prepared for court and the attorney gave Darryl his copies of evidence. He often stated that he was not a lawyer and did not know what he was doing. The judge tried comforting him saying “that it was okay and he did not need to be” Darryl stepped on the stand and testified that he had not let Linda see her daughter since 2014 regardless of what the court order said. He also admitted to letting Linda see their daughter not supervised over several weekends even though he was the one ordered to supervise the visitation. Darryl admitted giving his daughter a polygraph test to his daughter and
This correspondence shall confirm that the undersigned appeared at applicant’s attorney’s office in Stockton, California on April 18, 2017, to complete the applicant’s deposition. The handling attorney, Mr. Rod McClelland, was unable to attend the applicant’s deposition due to an unavoidable calendar conflict. This file will be returned to Mr. McClellan for further defense handling.
The defendant’s attorney spoke first, and argued on how the defendant has change since the last six months he has been held in custody. She pointed out he has been clean and going to treatment, how his child’s mother has passed away and how he wanted to take care of him, and how he is planning to be good to society by restarting his late brother’s business in construction. I find this very interesting that she would say this, because this type of information would come
A court battle is erupting over the fate of a 3-year old named Braelynn. Her adopted family claims that she is theirs since they legal adopted her when her biological mother gave away all here parental rights. However, the father was incarcerated at this time and did not have a say in the ordeal. But now that he is out, he wants his daughter back since his parental rights should have never been terminated due to his incarceration. The Dalsings had adopted her from three weeks old and Braelynn has never met her biological dad. Yet a judge agreed with the biological father’s argument and vacated the adoption. Braelynn is still living with the couple but have requested a re-hearing at the state court of appeals.
Regardless of whether or not that perception is true, the need exists for attorneys that are passionate about making sure fathers understand their rights and that fathers do not give up based on their belief that family court judges view mothers more favorably when determining custody (Spradlin, 2015). Divorce and child custody matters are particularly emotional because of the private, personal matters that are at issue. The firm receives many calls from fathers who feel as though their attorneys did not adequately represent them and that there exists a conspiracy within family courts and that no matter what, the Court will never rule in a father’s favor. This idea is not true, and the attorneys of FPRLC want to change that ideology for fathers (Walk,
Next, the appointment power given to the president is another caveat of the institutional constraint. This constraint showed strong support for the constrained court view in the case of Obergefell v Hodges because the vague laws involved in this case gave room for personal opinions from the justices to influence their decision. Of course, the factor of ideological influence did create an argument for the dynamic court view as it related to doctrine, but in the case of institutional constraint, these ideological influences are seen as a result of institutional powers given to the president. The appointment power gives power outside of the courts and let’s another branch of government influence the decisions of the court by choosing justices which reflect their own ideological beliefs. So, the decision was split along ideological lines because of the influence that previous presidents had on the courts, which promotes the constrained court view as an institutional constraint.
Americans depend a great deal on entertainment to educate them about life. In several ways Americans live vicariously through the actors and actresses on television and believe themselves to learn many things from those actors and actresses. For example, many people have said they learned medical techniques by watching medical shows on television or believe they would know what to do in a medical emergency because they have seen it done on television. The same goes for Americans’ knowledge about Court hearings and the judicial system. Many things are done on television by actors playing lawyers or judges that are done just for the purpose of entertainment. “Reality-based” Court shows such as Judge Judy, People’s Court
On April 17, 2017, I attended public hearings in the Virginia Beach Circuit Court. I arrived in the circuit court room #2, at 0915 to observe cases that were scheduled to begin at 0930 A.M. I attended the hearings until 1123 A.M. Throughout the time while I was present in court, I observed a number of three cases. However, only the first two will be mentioned and discussed. The first case was a felony hearing of an illegal possession of cocaine. The second case was a violation of probation. Both of these cases were briefly discussed after the Judge entered the courtroom. The Judge, along with the attorneys, discussed which cases would be heard that day and which cases would be continued on a later scheduled date. The Judge then issued a
they would spend their time in PA. The father reported that the parents continued to go back and forth to court as the mother feels he should not have visitation with the children. He indicated that she wanted the court to believe that the father was violent and a danger to the children and his visits should be supervised.
It is believed to be said that people commit crimes because of various reasons and aspects in their life. The community offers their citizens a secure and safe residence to live in. However, some argue that particular individuals are born with specific traits that determine how they react in a negative condition. Individuals make decisions in life that can lead them down the wrong path. An individual may choose to commit a crime, only looking at how it will benefit them. I also believe that people think before they commit any criminal activity. When an individual commits a crime, they act on their own free will. They’re aware of their consequences of their punishment. Also, people can commit crimes due to their society. Such conflicts arise
Many years ago, before courts existed matters was handled in a privately or informally. This often led to violence and unjust treatment of innocent people. During the rise of the Greek City States and the Roman Empire law enforcement became a public affair instead of private. (Siegel, Schmalleger, & Worral, 2011). Along with this movement became formalized courts and other criminal justice institutions. This allowed for law enforcement matters to be handled in a more civilized manner for resolving human conflict.
To start the custody paperwork, I had to go to the clerks for the information which told me that I had to pay a starters fee of over two-hundred and fifty dollars. Luckily, I had a fellow friend with me who is a family advocate whom knew how to wave the fees. There is a massive amount of paperwork to fill out such as parenting time, financial assets, and responsibilities. The
This week I had the pleasure of sitting in on five hearings. On Monday Magistrate Akel allowed me to observe a child support hearing where both parties were living in Iowa. The initial order was given while the couple lived in Florida. When the father moved to Iowa he was ordered to pay $509.00 dollars a month in child support. The mother sent the child to Iowa to visit his father for a week but the child never came back to Florida. While the child was in the father’s custody he continued to pay child support to the mother. During the hearing, the father wanted to ensure that his ex – wife placed the money that she owed him into a depository account. The attorney representing the father pointed out that she was behind in paying him back. The attorney as well as the father believed that the she was using the money to support her other children. The mother claimed that all of the money that she owed her ex-husband was already in the depository. Magistrate Akel made sure that the mother was aware that if the money was not there she would be held in contempt of court.
Throughout life people learn about rules and laws that they are suppose to follow in their lifetime. These laws are here and were made to help everyone as an individual to stay out of trouble and to help keep them on the right road in life. Without all of these laws and regulations people would go around doing everything that they feel like, whether good or bad. A complex Court System helps the country and the citizens. Without a complex system it would be easier for people to get by with things and not get in trouble for anything; this would make the world worse because people would go around doing anything that person wishes to do no
There are three women on the Supreme Court, one of whom is Latina, and there is one black justice serving on the Supreme Court (Brown, 2016). This is a major issue. The United States, the “melting pot”, has an extreme lack of diversity in their court system. This is an issue that affects several aspects of society. Decisions made by judges will affect the lives of men, women, and their families. The decisions made by judges can also create law. Unlike political officials, the people do not always have the power to vote judges into their positions. Instead, the people hope that their peers with the power to affect the system choose a candidate that will fight for them. Often times, this does not happen.
When I walked in, the defendant was seated on the stand, and he was telling the judge that he had filed for custody of his four children. As he was explaining why, Brad Macdonald, the ex-wife’s lawyer, objected. His reason for objecting was that the basis for filing was not relevant. I didn’t know that lawyers were free to interrupt people on the bench while they were presenting their case. The judge sustained the objection, and the defendant continued to plead his case.