
Personal Values Of Collectivist Culture

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The sibling culture I experience weighs more on the collectivist culture. This is because my relationship with my siblings is primarily grouped based. We value group cooperation and harmony rather than a competitive spirit or individual desire. Evidence of this is depicted as we work together to complete the task of finishing our chores. We constantly split chores and alternate. We also work together to help each other out, both academically and emotionally. As a middle child, I have experienced helping out my younger brother and receiving help from my two older sisters. Interdependence and mutual support is a big part of my collectivist culture. Whenever there are decisions to be made, as siblings, we always communicate with …show more content…

High/Low Uncertainty Avoidance:
Low Uncertainty Avoidance
Within the sibling culture, I experience the low uncertainty avoidance culture rather than high uncertainty avoidance culture. As siblings, we value ambiguity, uncertainty, and risk. Our acceptance of the unpredictability is natural and we are open to new approaches constantly. One characteristic of our risk taking behavior is evident in our entrepreneurship. For instance, a couple of years back, we decided to start a lemonade stand and bake goods outside of our parents' shop. Although we had a plan and carried it out, we knew that reality would get in the way and unpredictable things would happen, but we didn’t let that stop us. We continued on with our idea and was willing to accept the challenge we had enforced upon ourselves. We are also always open to unknown situations. An example of our risk-taking behavior is when we decided to create a club at school. We decided to create a club in where we invested time in organizing events to help the homeless. We started the club with no knowledge of how it would turn out. We had no idea our parents and other students would get involved. This example depicts how willing me and my siblings are in finding different ways of doing things rather than following rules too precisely.

Through my

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