
Personality Disorder Research Paper

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Personality Disorders When it comes to personality disorders, some have certain causes to get them; or you are born with them, They can be treated depending on the personality disorder otherwise they can’t, there is one personality disorder that has many similarities with schizophrenia and then there is another personality disorder that has similarities were they are kinda like introverts but not really. “Most psychiatrists and psychologist agree that disordered personalities have their roots in childhood and are the result of specific stresses in the environment.” (According to Friedland, Bruce) So people have their personality disorders form in their childhood and it comes from certain topics or events that have a lot of stress …show more content…

It can lead to difficulties because with the other disorders, their personality disorders can have similarities with them and then it can be hard to define what the personality disorder is. If the personality disorder laps with other disorders it can not only be hard to define what it is but be hard to diagnose. Personality disorders sometimes not be able to diagnose because there is no treatment for the …show more content…

So kids or adults with it could have it be determined as avoidant or they could have it be determined as schizoid just because of the similarities that the both have. “The exact cause of this disorder is not known.” (According to Millon, Theodore) Because researchers and doctors do not know what is causing this type of disorder, anything around these people could be causing this certain disorder in people without them knowing what is causing it. “According to the ICD-10, a patient must have a minimum of four of these traits to be diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder: persistent and pervasive feelings of tension and apprehension, belief hat one is socially inept, personally unappealing or inferior to others, excessive preoccupation with being criticized or rejected in social situations, unwieldiness to become involved with people unless certain of being liked., restrictions in lifestyle because of need to have physical security, avoidance of social or occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal contact because of fear of criticism, disapproval, or rejection.” (According to Millon,

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