
Persuasive Essay About Political Correctness

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Donald Trump. Besides evoking images of a surprisingly red tomato and greased golden locks, the Republican Nominee for President of the United States who has the approval of roughly 112 million Americans and the likely votes of over 152 million Americans, Trump’s persona is completely inseparable from one phrase that has been floating around in American politics for a while now: political correctness. This is a buzzword that is receiving an incredible amount of time in the limelight this election cycle. Everybody seems to be shouting it from the rooftops. Colleges and Universities consider it a prerequisite. Revolutionary professors take relish in making every effort to not be it. Democrats embrace it, Republicans disavow it. And, of course, Donald Trump is the political correctness anti-Christ. …show more content…

Other major figures are sick and tired of being expected to hold their tongues for fear of offending others. (MORE MAJOR FIGURES WHO HAVE SPOKEN OUT ABOUT POLITICAL CORRECTNESS). The country as a whole strongly agrees with this sentiment. In a recent study by the Pew Research Center, it was found that 59% of Americans felt that “Too many people are easily offended these days over language.” compared to only 39% of Americans who felt that “People need to be more careful with language to avoid offending people.” At the most recent Republican National Convention, former candidate for the Republican presidential nomination Ben Carson began his speech by proudly proclaiming, “I’m not politically correct. I hate political correctness because it’s antithetical to the founding principles of this country and the secular progressives use it to make people sit down and shut up while they change the

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