
Persuasive Essay About Tattoos

Decent Essays

When I was a junior in high school, I always talked to my friends about tattoos and how mind blowing it would be to have one. However, they always asked me “are you sure you want a tattoo, you know they don’t ever go away right?” I always downplayed what they said until I actually did research about tattoos. Once I learned that my religion, Islam prohibited any form of tattoo I was heartbroken; I always dreamt of getting a tattoo but, I never knew what to get. Tattoos serve a variety of purposes depending on religion and the individual in context that is choosing to get a tattoo. Tattoos are meant to signify many different things such as the birth of a child, the death of someone close, or a quote or phrase that has an important meaning to that specific person. Tattoos are very special in the sense that it could have cultural or religious ties, a hidden aspect of someone’s life, or something that is sentimental to somebody. If I were to ever get a tattoo it would be to show a hidden side of myself that I don’t always get to convey to others. A tattoo can mean many things, but for me because of how shy and timid I can be at times, I would want something fierce and bold like a snake or dragon. Something that would give the impression that hey maybe that guy with that tattoo is a serious and audacious person. However, just like Chris Adrian states in “Under My Skin” I told myself I wouldn’t go anywhere that had a chain of bongs hanging in the window.” I feel the same way I

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