
Persuasive Essay Monologue

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Hey Jim, it definitely is not my intention to make you feel defensive or feel the need to totally disappear. I know in your mind those text to Blake was the downfall, but that's not true. If we are both 100% honest Blake was struggling all year to do any of his homework, and as you know has been caught or confessed to using hard core drugs. Look don't worry about Dad and you at Marina Towers. I told Aunt Pat that I was going to completely stop anybody from pursuing action towards my Brother and my father. And I can tell with 100% certainty no one if going to fuck with you are Dad's wishes, so trust me when I say just let everything dye down, and all this will be a mute point. Look jim bottom line no body can 24 hour Caregiver. Personally I …show more content…

It time for him to grow and be accountable. For Example, if next year he doesn't do homework for a class like photography all semester he is not going to have adult save his ass and do the homework. He will get an F if he neglects to do the homework, and suffer the consequences of being ground during summer vacation. The kids needs tonight love right now. I don't know if you heard over the years Craig got kicked out of his parent house when he was 14, and was put in Rehab at 15 years old. Certainly, no one involved would wish that outcome for Blake. I am telling you please don't ever your going to disappear and go away, because that would only server to teach the boys to have further abandonment issues with the male roll models in their lives. Okay, so can we agree to take a deep breath and chill out. We are all going to be much better off with switching things up. Blake told me that you started doing yoga when he at band practice, which I thought was totally cool you were doing something for yourself. Trust me jim the boys and I are totally great full for everything you done for us since 2005. We love you, so can we just move forward? Let me know when you like to meet to talk about Blake. I proud of him he turned in the kid that sold him acid on Snapchat. The DEA office had six agent trying to track down the kid. There has been six overdoses from that kid selling drugs. Blake

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