
Persuasive Essay Of Book Banning

Decent Essays

Imagine that you're going to check out a book but your blocked off to one section. You might see some good books in that other section but you can't read them because of book banning. This subject affects many people you're probably thinking no just bookworms. But that's where you're wrong book banning affects many people from different religions and races. Books shouldn't be banned because they can make you a more knowledgeable person, they can also help you learn about real-world problems, Books are also an escape from the world sometimes people just need a break and taking away books from people is just wrong.

First of all, books can make you more knowledgeable they can teach you about many things like crime scene investigators, and cops, and what to do if you're ever taken by someone. But you might have a hard time getting these books because they are banned for graphic details. You could be a concerned parent who just wants their kids to know what to do in an emergency. Or a senior who wants to know more about cops and crime scenes because you want to be one when you grow up. No matter who you are book banning can and more than likely will affect your life. …show more content…

They could help you learn about cyberbullying and how to help stop it. They could teach you about natural disasters and what to do if one happens. They could teach you about anything you want to know. but sadly there are some people out there who want to ban books and take these learning possibilities from you. You want to go to a public library to check out the bible you can't, banned for religious influences. instead, you have to go online and buy it. It is Affecting everyone

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