
Persuasive Essay On Abortion

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In all of the spirit, hype, and joy of the Christmas season, lets always remember just how precious our lives are. There is always so much talk and chatter about the lights, trees, and presents. But let us all the remember the real reason for the season: the birth of Jesus. Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary. In her time period, Mary had no other choice but to carry baby Jesus to term. Now, we are not ignoring the fact that Mary was devoted to and loved God with all of her heart, so she was going to do whatever was asked of her. However, if Mary was living in today’s society, do you think she could have explored other options such as abortion? Truly, I do not believe she would have considered it because of her ultimate devotion to God. That being said, within today’s society abortion has come to be a very frequent option taken by many young women, but like Mary, strong in her faith, the act of terminating a pregnancy purely because the woman does not want it, is wrong.
A woman is “officially” pregnant when the sperm has entered the egg and been implanted in the uterus, forming a zygote. In the first three weeks of pregnancy a group of cells called a blastocyst contains a full set of DNA, from mom and dad, which determines things like the sex and eye color (Baby Center… 2016). During week four, the blastocyst has officially become an embryo, and about the size of a poppy seed. It is in week five when the embryo is beginning to develop and consisting of a tiny heartbeat that can beat as twice as fast as yours (Baby Center… 2016). During weeks six and eight, the embryo has developed facial features, arms, legs, finger, toes, nose, and an upper lip. At week nine, the embryo has formed eyes, and at week ten the embryo has officially become a fetus due to the full development of all of the vital organs and they begin to function (Baby Center… 2016). The eleventh week is when the fetus is almost fully developed (Baby Center… 2016). Finally, in week twelve, a woman can hear her baby’s heartbeat at a prenatal check-up. It is typically during weeks eight to twelve when a woman chooses to get an abortion (Planned Parenthood… 2017).
Within that four-week period, there are developmental milestones occurring in the

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