
Persuasive Essay On Animal Abuse

Decent Essays

Animal Abuse is an ongoing issue that is affecting many animals right now as you read this. Imagine that you’re locked in a tiny cage all day starving hungry. As your stomach growls you whimper for food as you lay in your cage wishing to be fed. You’re so hungry that your ribs are showing. Each time that you whine for food you end up in more pain than you’re already in. You eventually get depressed. All you want is to be loved but instead you’re covered in wounds. You wonder, what have I ever done to deserve this? You wouldn’t like to be treated like this, so why would animals deserve this unfair treatment? Animal abuse must be stopped.

First of all if you abuse animals you are more than likely to end up in jail or with a large fine to pay. Many people who have abused animals in the past have been caught and have dealt with the consequence of going to prison for a certain amount of time or dealing with a large fine to pay. Just under ten years ago a man was arrested for starving approximately 40 puppies and dogs and was sentenced to a year in jail with five years probation where he could no longer own anymore dogs. The man was also made to participate in mental health services and pay a $100,000 fine. This makes it clear that animal abuse is indeed punishable and you’re highly likely going to be caught if you’re abusing animals. Is it really worth abusing animals if you’re going to end up suffering the consequences? This is significant because if you’re caught abusing an

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