
Persuasive Essay On Crash Proof Cars

Decent Essays

Crash-Proof Cars; The Uncrashable Car of the Future Do you know someone that has been injured or possibly even killed in a car accident before? The answer is likely yes, but these injuries or deaths could be reduced by a lot with crash-proof cars. The Swedish car company, Volvo, promises to make a crash proof car by 2020. With many features like car assistance and pre collision prevention system, just to name a few, it is near impossible to get in a car accident. We will be seeing these cars in four years, and I can certainly guarantee, that drivers driving a Volvo car will have the least amount of injuries per person in the world. Pre Collision Prevention System A major part in the crash-proof car that Volvo will be selling in 4 years, is the Pre Collision Prevention System. The Pre Collision Prevention System (PCPS) is a system in the car with many features to avoid car accidents, and protect you incase the car accident does occur. It has lasers and cameras that detect other cars that may be too close to your car. If you happen to be looking at your phone and are not paying attention to driving, the PCPS can brake the car on its own. If the car accident is unavoidable and very likely to happen, the PCPS will tighten your seatbelt and get the airbags ready to limit your injures. 40 million people (0.006 percent of the world’s population) are injured in a car accident around the world annually. That means for every 1,000 people, …show more content…

It is very similar to the PCPS, except the driver is less involved in car assistance. A computerised control in the car can brake, steer, and accelerate without the driver doing anything. By pressing a button, the car will be able to drive itself automatically. All the driver has to do is press that same button to take control of the car manually. Car assistance can be very helpful to two very big problems in the United States; texting & driving and drunk

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