
Persuasive Essay On Dating Violence

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Wistfully dating violence has increased tremendously today. It has gotten to the point in relationships, girls do not realize the effects their boyfriend could do to them and vice versa. Youth that experience dating violence, are more likely going through depression, involvement in antisocial behaviors, change in person, thoughts about suicide, even use of drugs.
Being a teenager in the first place is a lot of change in life itself. Being with a partner, people tend to admire them and turn into the individual you hang out with. Teenagers today are so hooked on their boyfriends or girlfriends, they do not realize the downer in them. School on it’s own can be quite stressful. Especially in high school there are wide range of changes. There are plenty of more homework given out. That’s when you learn how to become independent. During those 4 years, slowly you’re becoming an adult. Additionally everybody gets the opportunity to learn not all friends will always have your back. The main ones at least that will truly have your back is your family. Young ladies get near their beaus since they figure they could believe them with anything and let young men control them. That is unquestionably not how it ought to be. There is a huge conflict spreading and becoming worse and worse as the days go by.
Unhealthy relationships can surely sneak up on anyone without realizing it. That is one conflict people do not visualize. At any age girls could be controlled in a relationship and vice

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