
Persuasive Essay On Endangered Animals

Satisfactory Essays

Have you wondered why the population of some endangered species have increased so much recently? Captive breeding is where humans breed animals, especially endangered species within our power. Lots of critically endangered species depends on human captivity and captive breeding programs for their population to increase again. Captive breeding can increase a endangered specie’s population, provide us with a constant food source, but will harm the environment in the process.

The population of some species have increased by a significant amount as a result of successful captive breeding. Captive breeding puts a species’ population under human control, captive bred animals normally survive longer in captivity than they do in the wild. The population of the Giant Panda, which is one of the Earth’s most endangered animals, have increased by 16.8% due to captive breeding programs. It is now a symbol of success in conservation and captive breeding, use by organisations such as WWF. The Vancouver Island marmot use to only have a deadly low population of about 30 individuals in 2003. Now there is around 200 to 300 marmots. These are just some of many successful captive breeding programs. But sometimes, the protection comes too late such as in the case of the thylacine, where protection was only declared to be necessary on the year that it became extinct. But some animals even with captive breeding were still hunted to extinction such as the northern black rhino which was poached to

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