
Persuasive Essay On Fast Food

Decent Essays

Picture this: it was a long day in the office. Everyone at home is starving and asking what’s for dinner, that dreaded question that makes you cringe every time you hear it. You could either cook a meal for your family, despite how tired you are, or the easy option. You could always run by Chick Fil A and save half the time and all the effort, making everyone happy. It’s definitely the easier option, however fast food is actually quite bad for a person’s health. Fast food is food that can be prepared quickly and is sold in food establishments as a “take out meal”. However, at what cost is this fast food prepared? Most fast is a greasy mess that is just convenient because people are busy and don’t have the time to prepare a home cooked meal. The benefits of fast food is merely convenience and nothing more. There isn’t a “healthy” fast food because healthier food options take time to prepare but humans apparently can’t wait for that. Therefore, fast food does not benefit society because it jeopardizes your health.
Fast food is addictive. “The total weekly frequency of fast food consumption was derived from a questionnaire asking for the number of times per week individuals eat at or take food from a fast food restaurant” Before telling you what they concluded, how many times do you have fast food per week? Two? Three? Everyday maybe? A young woman named Alyssa confessed that she goes nearly daily and after adding up the price it costs to eat fast food daily, she realized she

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