
Persuasive Essay On Gay Marriage

Decent Essays

In today’s society there are certain stereotypically people that are uninterested in gay or lesbian marriage. Everyone should have the right to decide on who they would like to marry. Gay marriage should be legal and a non-punishable offense because it can prevent teenage suicides, more children will be adopted, and people will not feel like second-class citizens. If humanity was to acquire gay marriage it would lower and prevent some teen suicides. Most teens are deciding and revealing what path they are going to take in middle or high school. “The number of suicide attempts among high school students decreased in states where same-sex marriage was legal. The findings covered thirty-two states that legalized same-sex marriage from 1999 to 2015” (Willingham). All kids have a hard time coming out to the world, and it causes them to not feel heard or accepted. When states make it legal more people that do not support it change their views when they see it is not different from a normal couple.
Many teens also feel less accepted by the world when it comes to other kids in their school. Students that do not support others orientation creates a bad environment. “Unsafe school environments prevent LGBT students from reaching their full academic potential” (Slater). The children have to feel heard or they will fall into a depression, and will shut out everyone that actually cares about them. Therefore, “safe spaces for LGBT students” (“LGBT Youth”) Which will allow kids to have a safe space with open minded people near them. With open spaces to tell their true feelings and having people that understand really helps kids open up more.
Another big thing with teens in this situation is that schools, families, and peers do not know how to communicate with them about safe dating. “18% of LGBT students had experienced physical dating violence” (“LGBT Youth”). This proves that society will attack children that are choosing to love someone they actually have feelings for. When something like this occurs people should prepare teens for safe sex. “The hostility and homophobia common among their peers and family members create a need for an array of specialized services, including sex education designed for the needs of gay

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