
Persuasive Essay On Geothermal Energy

Decent Essays

Geothermal energy is one of the cleanest sources of renewable energy, unlike some other sources of renewable energy, geothermal energy is contained within a relatively small area, and doesn’t affect local wildlife, it also doesn’t produce large amounts of toxic waste, and is nowhere near as controversial as nuclear power. Unfortunately geothermal energy isn’t used nearly as much as many of the other types of renewable energy, in fact, there are only 12 operating geothermal power plants in the US, a relatively small number compared to the 557 coal power plants that currently supply the United States with its second largest source of power. Yet while the fields of solar and wind power seem to be growing exponentially, geothermal energy remains relatively small.
Sadly the problem with geothermal energy isn’t one that can be easily changed. The reason geothermal power plants are so few and and far between is the overly specific circumstances that are needed to harness the underground heat; geothermal power plants require hydrological sites with naturally high temperatures of around 150 to 370, in the form of wells, hot water is then pumped out of these wells is then pumped out of these wells, into one of three different systems, dry steam, dry steam, or binary cycle. Dry steam is the simplest, but also the hardest to find. A dry steam system will pump hot water out of the earth in the form of steam, since the water is already a gas, it can be injected straight into the turbine

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