
Persuasive Essay On Physician Assisted Suicide

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People have been known to go to any extent to end their suffering. Many have even contemplated, and successfully managed to commit suicide rather than continue living with their illness. One such example can be seen in the biography by John Hoffsess. He established ‘The right to die society’ and helped eight people die between 1999 and 2001. Suicide is a painful and demoralizing way to die, and the victims leave behind loved ones questioning themselves forever. Hofsess set up an underground society that allowed innovative non-medical options to die. He talks about how people suffering (those such as Al Purdy) who were members would die surrounded by loved ones than in a strange hospital bed. He used methods such as an ‘exit bag’ or lethal …show more content…

From his account, we can see that people who are ready to die, would take any option given to them rather than become consumed by their disease. Thus, we must give people this alternative. The C-14 has many restrictions. Thousands are still suffering. physician assisted suicide must be opened to those suffering from more than a fatal disease with a predictable death. People who are suffering from degenerative diseases such as spinal -___ must be given the alternative to request an advanced consent to be allowed to use physician assisted suicide when they have reached a certain stage of their illness. Some medical conditions keep people trapped in their bodies for years together, there life being prolonged through machines. This is not how people wish to die, they do not wish to be a liability to their families, wasting away resources unnecessarily being stuck in a vegetative state. physician assisted suicide should also be available to those suffering from mental illnesses. Taking an example of Alzheimer’s which is a unique disease. Its progression varies depending on each individual. It is a cruel disease which may last more than 10 years in some

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