
Persuasive Essay On Recycling

Decent Essays

When discussing solutions to try and help preserve the planet and sustain resources for many generations, the first thought of the majority of the public is a popular slogan-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Many households have access to recycling receptacles, either through their waste management company or close by facilities. And yet, as of 2014, the most recent data provided by the EPA, only 34.6 percent of Americans recycle (, 2017). Although many people are reminded to reduce, reuse, and recycle at practically every street corner and through advertisements and awareness campaigns, many are not fully educated on the benefits of recycling nor are they fully aware of the risks and environmental impacts associated with excessive wastefulness and overconsumption. Through recycling and a conscious effort, there are many ways an individual can help the environment. Recycling should be an integral part of everyone’s daily lives as a way to help save the planet for current and future generations and although it may cause some adverse effects, the benefits greatly outweigh the pitfalls. To elaborate, recycling is a simple, effective way to reuse raw materials and resources which can cut down on environmental impacts such as global warming and pollution from landfills, providing future generations a beautiful and sustainable place to live. Recycling is the process of turning trash that would otherwise be thrown away into reusable products through the steps of collecting and

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