
Persuasive Essay On Sexual Education

Decent Essays

As of 2017, there are twenty-one U.S states that do not mandate sex education. That is almost half of our country's youth not having access to proper, medically accurate, and unbiased sexual education. There are about 10 million STI cases a year among those aged 15 - 24; this means 50% of sexually active people will contract an STI before the age of 25. In order to combat these numbers, sexual education needs to become a subject taught in high schools nationwide. After all, if we allow our children to be taught subjects like English, math, and science, why deny them the opportunity to learn about their own biology? Sexual education, if nothing else, teaches young people how to be safe. It is vital that teens are aware of the risks and possible outcomes of sexual interactions so they can make their best educated decisions. It is also of equal importance that they are to learn about consent. To some it is common sense: do not engage in sexual encounters with someone who is not equally willing. But in today's day and age, it cannot be emphasized enough. Teens have a right to know how to protect themselves, and others, from sexual assault and rape. If unaware of how to receive and give consent, they could find themselves becoming a victim or even the offender.
For the sake of understanding one’s own basic anatomy, it is critical that states provide medically accurate teachings. It is embarrassing that women are not given proper education to know the difference between their

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