
Persuasive Essay On Social Media

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Why have you waited so long to discover your gifting? Who have you allowed in life to downplay your talents and gifts? Do you realize that God views you as His excellent gift? We are earthen vessels wonderfully and fearfully crafted by the beautiful hands of God. God was intentional when He fashioned you and filled you with His precious treasure. You must understand that it was never his will for you to live an apathetic life. I want to you begin to search your thoughts and discover what needs to change. Psalms 139:23 says, “Search me God and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.” Too often, we focus on the outward manifestation rather than the inner change that needs to occur. In chapter 6, I talk about the social media world and how many people have become emotionally connected to social media apps (free marketing). Keep in mind; this disposition only promotes the outward presentation of people. It does not depict the true nature of people. So, I admonish you to detach from what social medica offers. Do not allow it to rule your emotions; instead, use social media as a resource only. Taking this approach will help you maintain power over your emotions versus over indulging in the false perceptions of what social media apps presents. We love to look at ourselves outwardly, and technology has helped shape a sense of narcissism (inflated or grandiose thoughts) in many folks. And to add to your opinion about your physiological features, social media allow all of your followers to like, love or wow you, and that’s fine …until the one person hits a caption that deflates your ego. Chances are if an offensive comment negatively impacts you, it may be safe to ask yourself, “why do I allow what people say about me, affect me?” Also, you may need to reassess your individuality. A picture does not necessarily depict your true character. Sadly, some people, especially young people, have become so eccentric taking "selfies", until it has sparked insurmountable controversy ending in what some might consider a nightmare or the ruin of ones’ life. Remember, the picture does not define you. Do not place so much emphasis on the outward appearance. Focus on the inner you. Discover the

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