
Persuasive Essay On Success

Satisfactory Essays

Goals, something every human being on this planet has and to reach those goals you must be successful. We set goals to fulfill our purpose in life, but to do that, you must be successful in meeting and completing those goals. “How Bad Do You Want It?” is a motivational speech that highlights the requirements of being successful. This speech is important to study because success is so vital and important for our survival as human beings, it changes the world. No matter your race, religion, culture, etc., you want to be successful and that will have a different definition for everyone, because only you can define what success means to you. “How Bad Do You Want It” encourages its audience to think differently about wanting to be successful and how to make it happen. This speech holds all the components Aristotle says a speech needs to be effective which include, persuasive, decorative, and informational, also meaning motivational, actionable, and fun (Morgan, 2016). While watching the football player perform each exercise repeatedly, I witnessed the effort and dedication he exerted through each set - this commitment resonated with me, as I am also an athlete who is expected to elicit these qualities. Not only hay, the video serves as confirmation that success is only attainable for those who want it bad enough and are willing to work for it. Even the background music playing provoked an internal motivation to be proactive.
By delivering Eric Thomas's speech in his unique hip

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