
Persuasive Essay On The Importance Of Interdisciplinary Education

Decent Essays

When Nadeem Aslam said, “Pull a thread here and you’ll find it’s attached to the rest of the world,” he was addressing the vast interconnectivity of the universe, explaining that nothing is entirely independent of one another, and somehow, everything connects to one another. Then, shouldn’t education mirror that structure in order to properly prepare students for the web of life? It should, and interdisciplinary learning does just that. Interdisciplinary education is critical as it teaches students how to see connections across the curriculum which gives students a deep understanding of the material because they must examine and grasp every aspect of the subject to analyse the connections, making them experts in the topic. Those cognitive skills are also transitive to the world, creating a generation of innovative problem solvers who can identify connections in conflicts in order to identify the root causes of conflict. This creates a thought process that leads to identifying meaningful and innovative solutions. The only “drawback” to interdisciplinary learning is that it leaves students with an insatiable desire to keep finding and analyzing connections in the world which never truly end.

Nothing gives a more profound feeling than discovering how different pieces of a seemingly unrelated puzzle fit and relate together. In the classroom, teaching this skill is invaluable. Interdisciplinary education is an effective way to teach this as it offers hands on experience in

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