While the streets are filled with men riding fancy motorcycles, you may sometimes spot alady riding past you in a smart cruiser bike or a vintage scooter. Men and women may ride the same bike, but when it comes to buying the necessary riding gear, their requirements vastly differ.
When women go shopping for half or full-face motorcycle helmets, they are often left with just one choice - bulky and heavy men's headgear. This is because limited manufactures offer a comprehensive range of helmets for the fairer gender. Here are a few features that are essential to women's helmets.
Size and Weight
While manufacturing, helmet companies take the head's shape and size into consideration. Generic headgear work well for most men; however, women's heads
It also concludes that headgear hardly reduces concussions in sports like girls lacrosse and field hockey. Though some research hints at a figure around 100g, only the hard-sided men’s helmet brought accelerations for blows to the back significantly below that figure. And in many game situations, given how little other protective equipment female players wear, a hard-sided helmet could easily cause more injuries that it prevents, Crisco says. ‘It could actually make the game more aggressive.’” This is important because it shows that girls would need to wear men’s football type helmets to actually reduce concussions, and that would make the game more aggressive. The article also states, ““every shaft was broken by the end of the study, which would never happen in a game. The goal was just to give US Lacrosse and the manufacturers some baseline information on the types of accelerations they could expect to see in a worst-case scenario.” This is important because it shows that, even in a worst case scenario, the scientist believed helmets would not
Researchers made a mouth guard which decreases injuries around your face. Helmets are designed to prevent head injuries, such as concussions, skull fractures and brain injuries. Helmets have been proved to reduce the risk of head injuries. Helmets and mouth guard are designed to decrease the likelihood of head injuries from a direct impact to the head by scattering and dispensing the energy of impact
Most people either don’t know or don’t care to know about football helmets. It is something that you have to enjoy knowing and learning about. Each helmet has something different and different way they try to make it comfortable and safe for the player to wear. The history of each brand has a history on how they came up with the idea of making their style of helmet. No matter where the football game is being played, there are multiple helmets being worn at one time, which include Riddell, Schutt, Xenith, Vicis and SGH.
While mandating a headgear requirement in women's lacrosse may protect against head trauma, it also increases the probability of a transition from the traditional women's lacrosse to an evolved, and far more violent version of the sport.
On the word of Blaine Hoshizaki March 8, 2011 in the local news article entitled “Ottawa Researcher Rethinks Hockey Helmet,”” Most concussions occur when there is a hit to the head that turns the head at the same time, various design factors make current helmets ill suited to protecting players against this type of hit, including helmet shape.” As Hoshizaki stated previously, a hockey helmet’s basic shape is the shape of the player’s head. The problem primary problem with the shape is in accordance with players being directly hit by a forceful object, such as an elbow or even the hockey puck. Modern hockey helmets are designed with impact in mind; Meaning, helmets are not meant to withstand major blows from a body check, which physically move the receiving player’s head in a certain direction of which makes the brain collide with the inside of the skull. The reasoning behind Hoshizaki’s research is to maintain safety as well as effectiveness in player equipment.
One of the things I would like to address is that I think when It comes down to it helmets do help the impact lessen by having cushion to protect shock waves from traveling and causing more damage. The impact that causes a concussion has to be pretty hard it isn't something that can happen lightly it has to be a pretty hard hit,
2015 was the year that sparked numerous amounts of concussions that had occurred in women’s lacrosse. ( USA Today) After this, Florida Lacrosse decided to make helmets mandatory for women. ( Bill Pennington) The results show the game injury rate was twice the rate for practice (7.5 versus 3.3 injuries per 1,000 athlete-exposures) (Snyder). A recent study found that the majority of head injuries in high school girl’s lacrosse resulted from stick-to-head contact during aggressive. Girls playing lacrosse should definitely be required to wear helmets and better protective equipment. Women’s lacrosse in high school concussions are at number two right above men’s lacrosse (New York Times). According to New York Times, headgear has also been effective in reducing head trauma caused by stick-to-head or ball-to-head contact. The number of deep bone bruises is significant do to the lack of shin guards, arm guards, chest protection, and hand protection.
Many people think that to wear a helmet should a personal desition and should be not mandatory. After all, if harm is cause for not wearing a helmet, it will be a personal harm and no a general harm for society, “People have the right to chose their own poison” (Rosenstand, 255).
Helmet laws throughout the U.S. have always created a great deal of controversy. Currently there are two types of helmet laws in the United States; a universal helmet law, which requires all motorcyclists to wear a helmet and partial helmet law that has age requirements. The helmet debate has been a long battle between free-rights organizations and government officials.
the helmet covers your whole face and head in order to protect you face from getting kicked in the face after getting bucked off. wearing a helmet is required if you are under 19 years of age. i feel that the helmet should be required for all ages.( in bull-riding you try to stay on a wild, 2,000 pound bull, some with horns the size of my arm. These bulls have tight straps around there butt to make them kick and jump harder. And all you have to hold on to is a single rope. if you fall of, the bull can stomp, trample, or horn you, and you could break bones from the fall (bull riding, 2015). So in the case of safety i feel that helmets should be required for all ages and at all
Harley Davidson recognizes that the needs of a male motorcyclist are quite different than the needs of a female motorcyclist. Women prefer motorcycles which look like the traditional motorcycle, but fit and feel better. Although Harley Davidson sells the same basic model motorcycle to men and women (with some slight variations in seat and comfort amenities) for generally the same reasons, how they position the product to the two separate markets is quite different. Behavioral patterns as it relates to purchasing, as well as some variations in physical needs and wants, warrant a separate approach for product positioning.
According to sportswriter Paul Gallico noun, “It is a lady’s business to look beautiful and there are hardly any sports in which she seems able to do it”. An abundance of people today believe that women are not worthy of receiving the same treatment in sports as men for this reason. First of all, there has been a law signed which is against gender inequality in athletics, but a bountiful amount of schools, including high schools and colleges, are not in compliance with it, and have not lost federal funding from not satisfying with it. Secondly, it is rare to see women's sports be recognized in the news and media. Lastly, women do not earn nearly as much money as men do in sports. I pronoun strongly believe that women deserve to be treated equally to men in athletics.
Throughout history, there has been a controversial argument on whether female genital mutilation should be banned from Africa. Some people describe female genital mutilation or FGM as a violation of women’s rights and others view it as served for a religious purpose having to do with the Islamic holy book, the Qur’an. Female Genital Mutilation is the removal of all or part of the external parts of the female genitalia. There are three different types of FGM; the first type of FGM is the Sunna Circumcision which is the removal of the tip of the clitoris. The second type is Clitoridectomy which is the removal of the entire clitoris and the adjacent labia. The third type is Infibulation which is the removal of the clitoris and the entire labia including the labia majora and minora. After the removal of the entire labia, the joining of the scraped sides are brought together using thorns or catgut, leaving only a small portion open for menstruation and urinating. Africa has the highest rates of FGM being performed. About 100 million women and girls are affected by FGM and at least 3 million girls are at risk undergoing this process every year. FGM is usually carried out by an elderly woman who is paid fees from the family of the girl undergoing this process (P.a.p.-Blog par. 2, 4). Female Genital Mutilation is usually performed on girl between the ages of three and adulthood. According to the UNICEF or United
The topic of women in combat is an ongoing debate that is currently being argued in many places, commonly in the United States. Women in combat next to men and a free women combat are two different perspectives in which women in combat are defined by their gender. Women in combat will provide help to those men who are to attend a combat. A free-women combat, on the other hand, prevents women from dying during combat due to not being allowed in combat. Since Women aren’t able to be included in any job in the military and have a right to be equally treated like men in combat, it’ll be unfair to more people. Women should be given the same right as men out in battlefields because “women serving in the armed forces has not wavered as warfare has changed, a clear sign that the necessity of women serving in combat is recognized.” In addition, “several other countries outside the U.S. already have women serving on the front lines.” Lastly, “Combat is nothing new to our women in the military. Several women have already given their lives serving in combat.” Women have, over the years, worked hard to get awarded the choice towards their career. Although it prevents more deaths, it’s also a sexist matter. Any job in the military should be a choice for women, it’s their career after all and they can make their own decisions.
The compulsory wearing of helmets does reduce the number of fatalities associated with motor cycling and pedal cycling accidents. Data from a variety of studies overwhelmingly supports this fact. When discussing motorcycle helmets, there is a 40% prevention of fatal and 13% prevention of nonfatal serious injuries associated with their use, according to Adam, et al. (1453). After Florida repealed its mandatory helmet law in favor of one that allowed helmets for those over 21 with $10,000 in insurance to be optional, motorcycle fatalities increased across the state (Hooten and Murad, 1329). According to Boone, et al., the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimated that the use of helmets prevented 1,630 deaths in 2013 and could have prevented 715 more if all motorcyclists wore helmets (3). In a study of almost 17,000 patients admitted to the hospital for motorcycle crashes, 37% of the riders were not wearing helmets. These 37% accounted for 69% of the deaths among these patients (Dua, et al. 1184).