
Persuasive Essay: Why We Still Need Nuclear Power

Decent Essays

Why we still need Nuclear Power

With the regular consumption of fossil fuels, it is predicted that they will run out in the next 70 years. What the world needs is a new and effective alternative that will help humans thrive. Solar energy is far too expensive, wind power is extremely ineffective, geothermal energy can cause earthquakes and is very location specific, and scientists have found out that hydropower can cause extreme climate change. So all these main energy have major issues, what is left for us? The answer is simple. Nuclear energy.

Why Nuclear Power Is Safe

What people mostly think about nuclear power is that it is dangerous. Accidents like Chernobyl and Fukushima influence and maybe even exaggerate the dangers of nuclear power. The …show more content…

The causes of global warming will be severe. It is predicted that by the end of the century the heat will go up 10 degrees fahrenheit. This seems really less but even if the temperature goes up by this much all polar caps will be melted. So what if all polar caps melt? A few penguins and such may die, it is no big deal right? The truth is if the polar caps melt, the majority of earth’s land will be underwater…. The earth needs an alternative…. nuclear energy doesn’t release gas.

Nuclear energy is the largest source of emission free energy. It is the only large scale energy source that will be able to cope with the world's growing economy. Another a positive way to look at nuclear energy’s positive impact on the world is to remember that 135 million cars would have been eliminated if nuclear energy was replaced with oil or coal burning. The United States would have had to do that just to lower the gas emission rates.

Who doesn’t want an energy source that is great for the environment and is one of the most efficient sources of

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