
Persuasive Essay Zoos

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Since the time that the first zoo was created, all that people wanted to see was how animals lived. They were gifted to Kings and Queens and Emperors as presents for celebrations. While that might have been the reasoning then, it is not the case now. Wild animals are captured and trained to preform tricks at the hand of their trainers. Now, since the Animal Rights movement, animals have gotten better care and better habitats. Animals have been looked upon as a source of entertainment and a way to educate the public, although their welfare has improved the animals still suffer by being in tiny cages. Although some scientists argue that caging does not have long term effects on the animals, most still believe that being in enclosures is detrimental …show more content…

The public has swarmed in to see captive live animals preform tricks for their own amusement (Olukole 239). In 2008 Olukole, a researcher for Animal Welfare Society, did a study on whether or not animals had an impact on the lives of the visitors. Olukole found that the lives of the animals did not impact the lives of the patrons, While they might feel bad occasionally after see the animals in cages it was completely forgotten about once they left the zoo park. The affect of visitors on animals is substantially different from the human side. Animals have a sense about people watching them and find that acting out gets more attention from the staff and the patrons. Zookeepers argue that the behaviors that are preformed in zoos, is something that the animals do in the wild under extremely stressful situations. Animals in the wild go their entire life without seeing humans, but animals in captivity see thousands of people on a daily basis. Zoo are turning wild animals into a sense of a house pet, giving them names and celebrating their birthdays (Greene 64), when these are animals are naturally trained to hunt and kill. There are many zoos around the world that practice Safari Zoo that give their animals thousands of acres of space but surround them with moats or cages. Dita Wickins-Drazilova, from the journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, writes that they give them a real experience of being in the wild but still in captivity so the zookeepers can care for them (31). Overall, there is a right way to create zoos and wrong ways, but the best way is always in the interest of the animals before

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