
Persuasive Research Paper

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Richard Branson once said, “Every risk is worth taking as long as it’s for a good cause, and contributes to a good life.” Drinking alcohol is a risk itself, let alone drinking alcohol as a teenager. Drinking can cause interferences with the brain’s communication pathways, cardiomyopathy, high blood pressure, pancreatitis, steatosis, puts you at risk for certain cancers, and weakens your immune system. These are just a portion of what drinking can do to you. As a teenager your brain and body are still developing, drinking at an early age can stunt your development. Weed has effects of major effects on your emotional well being, and you don’t know whether they will be negative or positive effects, smoking weed puts you at risk for lung and respiratory problems. Smoking weed and drinking alcohol are risks teenagers our age our taking in order to release stress or they believe it will help them have a good time. Neither drinking nor smoking are risks that contribute to a …show more content…

Personally, I do not support adult drinking and smoking. For adults though, I believe having a drink once and a while is okay, it’s the heavy drinking I do not support. For teens though, I think that the use of these drugs is preposterous. In no way, is the use of these substances contributing to a better life for yourself, and the people you love. Now as I myself do not drink or smoke, I don’t understand why teenagers take in these substances. But from what I can conclude of seeing endless snapchat stories of people drinking and smoking is the belief that to have a good time or party with people is to have alcohol, smoke weed, and vape. Some people may feel the need to ‘escape’ reality, and want to feel nothing besides the freedom of your body while under the influence. For example, if some people have a rough home life, they may resort to these forms of what some call stress relief, to feel better about the reality of their

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