
Underage Drinking Effects

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Underage drinking has been going on for decades. However, besides from it being illegal the consequences and long term effects are not always discussed. Underage drinking puts our youth at greater risk of health issues and negative social outcomes. Approximately 5,000 people under the age of 21 die a year from alcohol related injuries. Such as, motor vehicle accidents, drowning, homicides, and suicides. Underage drinking also plays a role in drug use, academic failure, sexual activity, tobacco use, and has a huge impact on the brain. A United States study states that pre-adolescent drinking from ages 10-12 is an extremely vulnerable period for the development of future alcohol problems. Alcohol is the most widely used substance of abuse …show more content…

Deadly crashes that involve alcohol in teens are twice as common compared to people that are over 21. This is because teens are still learning to drive and their brain is impaired by alcohol. Four out of ten teens that have drown is because they were drinking alcohol while in water. 1,600 deaths result from homicides, and 300 from suicide while under the influence of alcohol.
“It is critical that parents and other trusted adults initiate conversations with kids about underage drinking well in advance of the first time they are faced with a decision regarding alcohol”.

Xavier Becerra quotes Because the brain is impaired while under the influence of alcohol other issues may occur. Such as, sexual assault or other sexual related behavior. For example, unwanted sex, unintended, and unprotected sexual activity. It could also lead to having multiple partners which

then can lead to unplanned pregnancy, or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Other decisions that are commonly made when under the influence of alcohol are the use of drugs. Often teens are pressured into trying new things such as drugs or cigarette smoking, and when drunk and feeling “loose” they tend to give into the pressure. Approximately 40 percent of people …show more content…

The brain is a crucial area in psychological development. Although the entire organ can be affected the frontal lobes which are responsible for a “higher level” of thinking are most affected. Higher level of thinking can be planning, decision making, and judgement. The other important area of the brain affected is the hippocampus which is a crucial area of learning. People who have severe damage to this part of the brain are unable to retain any new information and have a hard time remembering what they just learned. However, they can still retrieve old memories. When these two areas of the brain are affected because of alcohol consumption, students are unable to be successful in school. Data form several national studies indicate that drinking and academic impairment are associated (Engs et al., 1996; Perkins, 1992; Presley et al., 1996a,b; Wechsler et al., 1994, 1998,2000b). Students that once had a high GPA get lower grades after consuming

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