
Persuasive Speech About Wild Animals

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"The voice of the natural world would be , ' Could you please give us space and leave us alone to get along with our own lives...we actually know how to do it much better than when you start interfering'" ( Jane Goodall). Wild animals have the right to live their lives their own way, rather than be manipulated by people. For many years, zoos, aquariums, circuses, and other entertainment places have kept wild animals in captivity and neglected them the ability to live a natural life in the way and place they should. They are wrongly used for the entertainment of human kind. Millions of people visit these places to experience what we call "fun", however they do not take the chance to think of the kind of detrimental lives the animals’ experience. …show more content…

The animals suffer due to many causes including hunger, limited space, mental harm, etc. "Tigers and lions have around 18,000 times less space in zoos than they would in the wild. Polar bears have one million times less space" (Freedom for Animals). The little space the animals have to move causes harm since they do not possess the capability to exercise the amount they should .Circuses are the worst when it comes to providing space for animals. They are placed in small cages and are only let out when they perform, and receive no toys or attention. Furthermore, animals that live in zoos, circuses and aquariums have been found to develop a disorder called "zoochosis", which are neurotic and atypical disorders that develop due to depression, little mental and physical health, boredom, and unnatural surroundings. Signs of the disorder include, bar biting, pacing, twisting of neck or head, vomiting, etc. (Last Chance for Animals). As well as the animals suffering due to the lifestyle they are forced to live, they are also harmed by those who train them and look after them. For example, according to the Freedom for Animals Association, "in 2010 it was revealed that an elephant at Woburn Safari Park had previously been trained using an electric goad". Animals should not be hurt because of our desire to …show more content…

When they are placed in captivity, it strips them of the capacity to grow with their offspring, make their own homes, and live the way they desire. The animals are taken from their habitat simply for money, and the interest of people, however, we rarely give them something good in return. Throughout the years, many animals have died due to an environment that is not natural to them. In zoos, aquariums, circuses, etc., the animals are placed in areas that do not benefit the animals, physically mentally, and emotionally. For example, " a survey of the records of 4,500 elephants both in the wild and in captivity found that the median life span for an African elephant in a zoo was 16.9 years, whereas African elephants on a nature preserve died of natural causes at a median age of 56 years"(Zoos: Pitiful Prisons). Hence, captivity does not save an animal from extinction, but it decreases survival. Furthermore, animals that are released back into the wild, but are born in captivity, and bred in captivity, have a small chance of survival in the wild. "Captive-bred animals that are reintroduced to the wild will mate with other previously captive-bred animals, thereby reducing the integration of their genetic material into the wild population (Lansdowne).This means the animals will be at a disadvantage because they will not have inherited the behaviors needed to survive in their natural habitat, leading to an increase in

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