
Persuasive Speech On Exercise

Decent Essays

With all the choices and methods of exercise these days, many of us are confused about what is best and what will work for them. Hopefully I can clear up some of this confusion about fitness, and talk about what methods I feel are most effective. Being involved in the Fitness and Sports Medicine Industry for the past twenty years, I've seen and used every form of exercise machine, fad program, and group class imaginable. I've seen and done some scary things and have learned from my mistakes and observations. Let me mention "old school" methods of exercise and training. Exercise fads may come and go, but some things still remain constant. I remember my Physical Education classes back in grade school, and playing on the playground at recess. Those were fun times. Our Phys Ed teachers actually had the insight of getting us to exercise without us knowing it. They used things like balls, bars, ropes, obstacle courses, and certain …show more content…

Most of know this to be a very specialized and technical sport. Well, it is, and if you don't know what you are doing you can certainly hurt yourself. Maybe this is one reason so many of us have sore backs due to improper body mechanics. Olympic weight lifters are some of the most athletic and powerful athletes around. This is just in the nature of the sport. To explain it simply the object of the sport is to pick an object up off the floor to your shoulders (the clean) or overhead position as efficiently as possible (clean and jerk or snatch). I will not bore you with the details of Olympic Weight Lifting at this time. If you think about it, you probably execute these types of motions throughout the day in life. Weather you are lifting a child, a bag of groceries, or any object for that manner. Olympic lifting doesn't have to involve a bar with weights on it, any object can be used including dumbbells, medicine balls, stones, sandbags, and Russian Kettlebells (this in an article in

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