
Persuasive Speech On Rock And Roll

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Today, rock and roll music, is not in the forefront of the music industry. Much debate is being made over its decline, with many people saying that, “Rock is dead.” While on the other side of the record album, people are saying, “It’s not dead and will make a comeback.” It is this writer’s opinion, that rock and roll is awaiting its rebirth, and if you pay close enough attention to the birthing sounds, you will agree. Rock and roll was conceived by rhythm and blues music in the 40’s and 50’s, with a fast, dynamic rhythm, that held a powerful beat. Its lyrics were filled with anger and defiance. Today, our world has plenty to be angry about and of course, even more to be defiant over. Thus, as long as these attitudes exist, rock and …show more content…

This groups song, “Run,” centers around awaking from a dream state, to find political madness taking over. However, Grohl, wishes to bring all people together, supporters and anti-Trump supporters, alike, during a concert, and provide hope to the hopeless. With rock and roll groups, such as these, leading the stand against national corruptions and intolerances, then surely, rock and roll will never die! Secondly, anyone that listens closely to modern rock and roll, will find the turbulent passion that they themselves experience every day in the form of grief, strives heartache, love, and suicide. For example, the song, “Dear Agony,” by Breaking Benjamin, strongly relates to their fans personal mental issues or substance abuse issues. As the lead singer Ben Burnley explains, “I want it to be known I've been suffering with some debilitating things for years, and it's become such an impedance on my life now that I can't help but have it come through in the music that I write (”. Clearly, his troubles are relatable to the public. In another example, “Here to Mars,” by Coheed and Cambria, the lead vocalist, Claudio Sanchez, explained the songs background, by saying, "While I can barely comprehend the distance of our planetary neighbor, let alone the ever expanding universe, my love for her knows no distance," in speaking of his wife ( Undoubtedly, the eminence of love is

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