
Persuasive Speech: Why Banks Are To Blame The Banks

Decent Essays

Blame the Banks
Teion Sales
Waterloo Columbus High School

Blame the Banks
Today I will be persuading you why the banks are to blame in the great recessions that occurred in 2008. There are many reasons why the banks are to blame. First, the banks were giving subprime loans which caused lots of damage to the economy. What a subprime loan did was allow almost anyone to receive a loan. People with lower credit generally took this route. The reasoning for this is because they knew they would not qualify for a regular loan, but the banks had so much greed they did not care for the economy, others or themselves. The subprime loans actually had a bigger part in the great recession than people thought. Subprime loans triggered a lot of problems. Not only problems for citizens, but …show more content…

Easy borrowing tends to encourage spending and investing. Therefore, citizens will feel financially comfortable enough to buy wants instead of needs. After a while when all of the loan money disappears citizens tends to run into dilemmas from lack of budget and choice with the money that was loaned out. The bank actually had a big part in why these people faced hardships. When the banks gave out loans to the people, they knew what type of people they were and planned to give out loans to the ignorant. These people had no clue what they were getting themselves into. One thing that could have been done to prevent the crisis is, the federal reserve could have raised lending rates to decelerate the credit boom. Foreign borrowing also could have saved the united states from the great recession. However if we had not acted so slowing on this tragedy we would have never been put in that position. Personally I blame the government. The government is essentially the people we look to to protect us. Personally I feel as if the government saw it coming and knew everything before it even happened. Also the government

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