Topic: Dogs make better Pets than Cats
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that dogs are better pets than cats
Thesis Statement: Dogs will protect and provide you comfort and support.
A. Dogs will protect and provide comfort and support in the forms of affection and companionship for individuals suffering from various mental and emotional conditions. Because dogs have such great hearing they will alert you when danger or any uninvited guest are near. Dogs don't need litter boxes. They can be house-trained and most can stick to a schedule.
B. My daughter had a bone marrow transplant and our family pet has help her during the day when she is home alone or at night dealing with her fears and phobia that she developed after
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Dogs will provide comfort and support I will began to tell you just how dogs are better pets than cats, the unconditional love they can bring to your family. Cats are usually a bit more sensitive to their environments while dogs tend to accept change more easily.
II. Body A. According to the American Psychiatric Association dog can decrease anxiety, reduced loneliness and increase a sense of comfort and safety.
1. Dogs will give you a feeling of purpose which can be crucial when you are feeling down. a. Give a dog a home and reap the benefits. b. Dogs can encourage better health, get out and walk your dog. 1) Cats are feminine and spoil animals that like to have its way. 2) Dogs are better animals when trained properly c.
2. Health benefits of owning a dog a. Studies shows that dog owners have lower blood pressure, and lower cholesterol b. 1)Taking your dog for regular walks can really improve your health
2) Owning a dog can help people to recover from personal trauma such as bereavement
B. Pros of dog 1. Companionship really are man’s best friend 2. They are highly intelligence a. They are the most loyal pets to their owners b. Dogs are helpful in dire situations
C. Cons of owning a cat 1 Cats lack compassion 2 They are very
Whether it is an inside cuddle buddy, or an outside mice killer, cats make wonderful pets. While dogs stay dirty, drool, and bark, cats clean themselves, are clean animals, and meow quietly. Cats are warm and fuzzy and love to cuddle while they take naps. Dogs are too rambunctious and energetic. Cats make better pets than dogs.
Dogs will protect you and they can also provide comfort and support in forms of affection and companionship for an individual suffering from various mental and emotional conditions.
Canines are extremely messy, needy and smelly. They slobber, stink and need to be taken on walks. A dog will slobber on you and your things like a non-stop waterfall. They’re slobber, like the rest of their body reeks. Their smell will not only be on them but on you, your house and in your car. Wouldn’t you rather have an animal that keeps its saliva inside its mouth and hardly smells of anything? Unlike cats, dogs also have to be taken outside on walks to use the bathroom. A cat on the other hand will quietly use the litter box without your help. You could always let your dog out in
To conclude dogs make better pets than a cat does. Cats are good animals, but not my type of pet. Dogs have more abilities than a cat. They have the ability to be trained to be whatever type of dog you make them. Cats aren’t better pets than dogs. Dogs make better friends and pets to
The cats versus dogs debate is probably as old as the existence of early canines and ancient felines. Dog owners have long argued that dogs are better pets, but me, as a cat owner, beg to differ, and here’s why.
Main point one: Companionship is important to have in your life, even if it comes from your dog. When life gets stressful it’s nice to have a companion to play with, take a walk with or even cheer you up. Companionship can be hard to come by with humans sometimes and easily found in dogs. While their personalities vary according to the breed of the dog, one characteristic remains the same, their loyalty. Dogs make great listeners, maybe because they can’t tell you to stop talking, but either way they seem to listen with interest. Many dog owners find themselves telling dogs things they can't seem to tell anyone else. This is what makes dogs good therapeutic animals. A dog is an especially good animal for someone who lives alone or suffers from depression. Having a dog present can also help people who have suffered a tragic loss in their life and need the company of another life for comfort. I know from my personal experience of losing a loved one, what a dog can do to help you through. Owning a dog gave me responsibility at me weakest and gave me a
One of the most debated arguments to this day would have to be that cats are better than dogs. Did you know that more people own cats than dogs? In the US, 95.6 Million people own cats compared to the 83.3 million who own dogs. This speech will state why cats are smarter, cleaner, easier to look after and are also beneficial for your health, such as lowering your blood pressure and lowering your cholesterol.
A person is thinking of getting a pet to be his companion and to entertain his kids, but he has encountered a predicament: they choose a mediocre feline or a magnificent canine. While there are many advantages of each option, the dog is a better option for companionship, protection, and loyalty.
First, owning a pet can give people some major health benefits. Without a pet, a day at work or school can be stressful. By the end of the day, people could be ripping out their hair or throwing papers everywhere. This can make anyone’s heart rate go up as well as their blood pressure. Thankfully, studies have shown that interacting with a dog or other pet can lower his or her’s cortisol levels. For instance, after only three months, a group of people working with dogs were shown to have significant drops in blood pressure and stress. Pet’s happy go lucky vibes can impact their owners to feel the same, lowering his or her’s stress level. Even when someone sees a picture of their pet when they're stressed, it can immediately cause his or her’s heart
In my opinion I like dogs better than cats, both cats and dogs have their upsides and downsides but overall I like dogs better than like cats. Dogs are more loyal in my opinion and if you are going to have a pet that you love you would want them to love you back. Dogs show their love all of the time no matter what you are doing, cats selectively chose to show their love and it is mostly when you are feeding them or petting them so it makes it seem that they are only loyal to you because they can’t do those things themselves. Dogs are kind to everyone they meet and get excited whenever a new person comes around, unlike a cat who stays away from people and doesn’t like new people a lot of the time. Cats can be good too, they comfort you when
Topic (Thesis Statement): In this speech I will talk about why pets can provide comfort, why they can be
Dogs and cats are very different animals and they have different attitudes, needs, and habits. Understanding these differences can help in the process of choosing between them. For unwavering love and loyalty, not to mention protection, a dog is the choice. Dogs will not question authority, and they will, after some training, do exactly what they are told to do. There are many species of dogs, and they come in large, medium, and small sizes.
People of all ages deserve to have a dog even once in their life. According to Jenna Stregowski, RVT, in her article for The Spruce, dog ownership has many health benefits, may it be physically, emotionally, and mentally. “The companionship of dogs has been known to reduce stress and lower blood pressure,” she added. Having a dog around the house keeps you active because you have to take it out for a walk or play with it when you are inside the house.
Dogs benefit humans in many ways. They help the young, the sick, and the elderly population. Animals not only influence our happiness each and every day, they also give humans a life full of splendid health. The next when a family member is uptight or bickering at each other, remember that there is always a dog out there willing to be a best friend. The world would be a much nicer place if people could love more like dogs; dogs truly are a mans best
Scientists have shown that pet ownership can have demonstrably positive effects on human health. "A 10-month prospective study was carried out which examined changes in behaviour and health status in 71 adult subjects following the acquisition of a new pet (either dogs or cats). A group of 26 subjects without pets served as a comparison over the same period. Both pet-owning groups reported a highly significant reduction in minor health problems during the first month following pet acquisition, and this effect was sustained in dog owners through to 10 months" (Serpell 1991). Dog owners in particular benefited from