
Persuasive Speech: Why Dogs Are Better Pets Than Cats

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Topic: Dogs make better Pets than Cats
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that dogs are better pets than cats
Thesis Statement: Dogs will protect and provide you comfort and support.

A. Dogs will protect and provide comfort and support in the forms of affection and companionship for individuals suffering from various mental and emotional conditions. Because dogs have such great hearing they will alert you when danger or any uninvited guest are near. Dogs don't need litter boxes. They can be house-trained and most can stick to a schedule.
B. My daughter had a bone marrow transplant and our family pet has help her during the day when she is home alone or at night dealing with her fears and phobia that she developed after …show more content…

Dogs will provide comfort and support I will began to tell you just how dogs are better pets than cats, the unconditional love they can bring to your family. Cats are usually a bit more sensitive to their environments while dogs tend to accept change more easily.
II. Body A. According to the American Psychiatric Association dog can decrease anxiety, reduced loneliness and increase a sense of comfort and safety.
1. Dogs will give you a feeling of purpose which can be crucial when you are feeling down. a. Give a dog a home and reap the benefits. b. Dogs can encourage better health, get out and walk your dog. 1) Cats are feminine and spoil animals that like to have its way. 2) Dogs are better animals when trained properly c.
2. Health benefits of owning a dog a. Studies shows that dog owners have lower blood pressure, and lower cholesterol b. 1)Taking your dog for regular walks can really improve your health

2) Owning a dog can help people to recover from personal trauma such as bereavement
B. Pros of dog 1. Companionship really are man’s best friend 2. They are highly intelligence a. They are the most loyal pets to their owners b. Dogs are helpful in dire situations

C. Cons of owning a cat 1 Cats lack compassion 2 They are very

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