
Perugino's Delivery Of The Keys To Saint Peter

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The Italian Renaissance exported a ton of artwork of paintings, portraits, and sculptures with a twist. The artwork that was being put out started defining new areas of art that separated it from the medieval artwork. Artist started to get more detail by trying to make a sculpture of people in a painting/portrait accurate. Another thing the artist did was turning 2-D pictures into 3-deminsonal, giving it life. Pietro Perugino’s paintings captures the new territories these artist are exploring to bring life and a deeper meaning to the picture, like Perugino’s Delivery of the Keys to Saint Peter. To any Renaissance paintings there are seven characteristics that the painting may have. Perugino’s painting displays two of these characteristics …show more content…

Light and shadowing/softening edges was not present in Delivery of the Keys to Saint Peter because it is primarily used for portraits to bring out a person’s face. Since there is a lot of people shown, Perugino goes a different way of showing who is important in the painting by separating them from the rest of the group. The other characteristics not presented is artists as celebrities. Perugino got hired by Pope Sixtus IV to do the painting for the Sistine Chapel. Perugino is not one of the better well known artist of the time and is not really consider divine. The debatable characteristics that is kind of presented is the emphasis on individualism. There is no major aspects of the piece that is about someone being individual, but instead Perugino adds people to the middle-ground to hint the individualist …show more content…

Perugino uses individualism by the characteristics he gave the apostle in the foreground. For the most part each person has a different physical feature then the ones around them and wears different clothing to show that they are them. The apostles do not blend in with each other or the people in the middle-ground. Perugino put a space between Christ and his apostle to stand him out more. Giving him this space puts a white background all around him making more of an emphasis on his importance and why he has the key to heaven. A bit of classicism can be seen in the buildings on each side of the church. The building had a Greek/Roman structure. Both buildings are symmetrical, have columns, and are presented well organized. Secularism is not presented in this artwork because although the painting is religious, there not aspects of the government being separated from the religion. A similar idea goes with humanism. The focus of the painting shows no interest in favoring freedom, but the peasants in the middle-ground does. In the middle-ground, to the right of the key, there are people roaming free and having fun which backs up some of the humanistic concept the humanist believe and the changes the Renaissance

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